Tag Archives: tortoise

Turtle Care 101: How to Take Care of Pet Turtles By Geoff Williams

Sulcata Turtle in Hands

Turtles may not be cuddly, but they are awfully cute and generally easy to care for if you’re well researched and prepared. Although turtle-care isn’t too difficult, it’s essential that their environment be well maintained, said Dr. Stewart Colby, DVM and founder of Windward Animal Hospital in Johns Creek, Georgia. “In general, turtles spend most […]

Why Turtles and Tortoises Make Good Pets! by Clarice Brough CRS

With few exceptions, Chelonians (Turtles) make harmless and appealing pets. They adapt well in captivity and with proper care can live a long time. They have fewer health problems than the average cat or dog and can be quite lively, colorful, and attractive. They display intelligence, recognizing their keepers and knowing when it’s feeding time. […]

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